Berkeley College [Woodbridge]

Alojamiento Tipo de ubicación Ofrece becas Ofrece CLA (carta de admisión condicional)
No Yes Yes
Títulos ofrecidos Público/privado Tipo de institución Organismo estudiantil
Associate, Bachelor Baccalaureate College

Costos anuales / Nivel de ELS

Living Expenses
Grado Matrícula Fees Alojamiento ** Comidas OtherExpenses I 20/Visa* (Total Required Funds) ELS
Associate $$$ $ $$$ $$$$ 112
Bachelor $$$ $ $$$ $$$$ 112
 I-20/Visa costs include Tuition, Housing, Meals and all other fees in USD
Housing cost may include meals and other expenses to equal Living Expenses


Berkeley College offers career-focused programs, supportive professors with real-world industry knowledge, hands-on learning through our internship program, and a variety of supplemental programs and activities.

Student life

Each campus schedules a range of student activities-including field trips, guest speakers, social and cultural events, and more-to contribute to the Berkeley College experience. High academic achievers may be elected into a variety of honor societies in recognition of their accomplishments. Students have internship opportunities and are assisted with job placement, career counseling, resume planning, training and interviewing strategies. Academic Resource Center, Learning Labs and Library are also available.